ACCEPTING LOVE – 30th Nov, 2006
Blessings, dear ones, and greetings from Le-mur-i-a: I AM the Chancellor. I am he, or she, who seeks ever to be a guiding presence now, as the final days of the old ways play out for and through Humanity.
We are here, from the Violet Council of Light, to ever bring to you, greater understanding, the service of our wisdom, and our great Love, that you might come to perceive Your strength, Your power, Your Love, to understand your capacity to move through these times of turbulent energy, to emerge, to fully emerge, onto the platform of Life now.
“But I am alive; I am not dead!” you might say to us; and we would answer: indeed, you have been living, yet you have not been truly ALIVE. For to be that, is to accept, the totality of Self, as Love, incarnate, EnJoying, the Human experience, with every ounce and fibre of your Being. Were you to come to me, and to say, “I Love myself, so completely, as to never doubt for a moment, that I am held in Love, or that I can do anything other, than that which is of Love”, I would say to thee, “Congratulations!” for in that moment, you are whole: you are complete: you are One, with your Creator, and with All That Is, and Is Not.
Seek not, to ever perfect the wisdom of Self, in the searching out, of that which is incomplete within, for there is little that remains to be healed, in such a manner. Seek rather, to EnJoy, the life that can be lived, in these grand and wonderful times of great change in your circumstances. And in the seeking, be not constantly on the path of great perfection, but on the path of EnJoyment, of what is, in the moment, apparent to you.
Those who focus on the pain and suffering within, shall find it. Those, who find the Love to be their very circumstance, will move through what is to come, with the Joy of knowing Self as One with Creator: for you will know, and understand, your power, your influence, to shift the very foundations of Life itself, into a pattern that is more to your liking, that honours indeed, the life, and the Love, of all others, be they Human, animal, plant or of the Earth itself.
You will discover now within the Self, more and more, with the passing of each day, a greater awareness of that which you may do, to be of service to Gaia, in your daily life, as you look upon that which is discarded in the physical world, in the emotional, and the mental worlds, for much is discarded, that is of value, were you to look upon it with a different gaze. Allow yourself to see, dear ones, not the sadness, or the suffering, but the great Beauty, that ever resides within each and every particle of Creator, that You truly ARE.
And as you adjust your vision, to allow that which is unseen, to enter your world, allow also, for the great Love, that you are, to flow in, in great abundance. It is poised, ready, and waiting, for you to be willing to receive it: to know Self, as of such value, as to be of a grandness, that you can barely contemplate, yet, also, of the humblest of dispositions, knowing that each has their value, and none be higher than another, only to be appreciated, for that which they choose to bring forth as the Love of the Creator, that they may choose to express themselves to be in this moment.
As you continue to choose to turn your face to the Love, to the Light, that is the Love, you will discover within you, a hidden Self: a secret, that unfolds itself within you, like a rose, blossoming within, that you may understand yourself as more than the physical, and move into the worlds of Light, that are your true heritage. You begin to remember, more pieces of the puzzle; yet, still you say to such as we, “I had it, but I can’t find it again”, and we look upon you with such greatness of compassion, for that which you seek, shines from you, in that very moment.
You cannot be lost from the Love: you cannot turn your back, upon the Light; for once found, it is lost no more. It takes you on a path of discovery, of different parts of Self, of the many gifts you have within, that you might release the past, and look upon the present, as your most beautiful time of experiencing, that which there is to experience.
Each moment, that you choose to allow the fear to gain a foothold within, is a moment of great celebration on our part, as you recognise the fear, and can now release it, with but a request of Creator Light to show you that which is possible. For within each fear, is a great Love, awaiting discovery, in the transformation of that fear, into a knowingness, of the Love. Allow yourselves to heal, dear ones, of the understanding, that you must be of such perfection, as to be unblemished in the Love. Know that this comes, with the journey unfolding, in its limitless beauty of infinite symmetry and perfectedness, as each weaves their part into the whole that is Creator’s Love. You do not need to seek for it: it comes to you, in the moments shared with others each day, in the capacity that you have, to choose, to look upon the world around you, with eyes of Love.
Each moment, you turn your gaze to the Love, it is present to you: of this I assure you.
When I stood before you, on the peak of the mountain in the final times of Le-mur-i-a, I knew then, as you knew also, that the grand pinnacle of what we had sought to create, had been achieved, for life to begin a new path: that of the Human experience, that was to follow after our time of creation. And many, if not most of you, have chosen to journey within this experience, time after time, to bring healing to the grandness of the journey, that Gaia allowed for herself, in her great Love, to become the vehicle for: to go on a journey through the darkness, not only to experience it, but to understand it, to bring the Love to it, that it would heal, and become a part of the whole, as it has ever been: yet understanding itself, in the moment of healing, as Love, incarnate. It is why, you have chosen, Tikele amongst you, to experience, some of what could be considered to be the most turbulent and darkest moments of your history – and you would continue to do so, were it not, that you have already succeeded, in that which you set forth to do: to bring into the Creator’s Love, that which felt itself to be separated from it; that which felt itself, to be out of Love, to recognise the Love within, once more.
And each moment, that you do this within yourselves now, is another moment of victory: it is another cause of celebration, that that which has been lost, is once more, found; and knows itself, in the Love once more, as a precious and treasured part of the whole.
Each of you, is that precious and treasured part: each of you, is a part of my Light, as the Chancellor of Le-mur-i-a. Each of you, knows Self, as the “I” of the I AM: that which is, the I of Creator, that resides within you. And that I AM, is ever, the I AM that I AM, as is your I AM, the I AM of I, also. We are a weaving of Light, so vast, so limitless, as to bewilder the conscious mind: as you choose to reside, in the Heart of this Love, you will ever know, the Love of I AM, that takes you to the very heights of possibility; for such is the path of Creator: to ever discover, more of Love, that is the I.
I leave you now, with a short meditation: allow yourself, to be in a relaxed and comfortable position, and place yourself back in time, into the vibration of Le-mur-i-a...a time when we-the-people, stood with one another, as brothers, as sisters, as partners in Love – it mattered not, the name put to the journey, only that each was fulfilled, and at peace in their heart.
When you felt yourself, to be out of Love, you brought to you, those who were family and friends, healers and so forth, and you asked of them, to sing a song of Love to you, that you might remember, your Truth, once more: your Passion, once more; and your Trust, once more. In that, you were held in such Honour, for you had the courage, to request a healing, of those who Loved you most, who knew you best, and who knew, in their hearts, the great role you were to play upon the stages of Life. For they had been a part of your journey, from the very beginning; deciding and sharing with you, what could be offered and experienced, as you and the parents chose one another and also those around the parents, who would honour you, with their Love, to bring forth within you, that which returned you to be an expression of that Love, to do your journey of Love once more, in the way that you had chosen for it to be.
For that is how it was, in those times. So I will now, sing to you, with your Higher Self, and the Loving Guides and Angels, that you brought with you to this Earth plane for this time, and the very many Lemurians, who do not reside in the physical at this time: that we might sing to you, your song of Love, from this time of Le-mur-i-a – a song that has not changed, with the ages that have passed, for it is still the song you have chosen to honour yourself with, in the great knowingness, that this time would return, in its new and even more wonderful way of Being.
So close your eyes now, and allow yourself to drift back into the ancientness of Le-mur-i-a, as though it were yesterday: be in the beautiful house of the trees, that you were in, during that time, and know, that your family, then and now, is gathered around you, in their etheric presentation of Self to you now. And in front of them, stand I, the Chancellor, with the many Guides and Angels, and we are ready to begin. So take a deep breath... and another.... and another.... Allow your mind to be at rest, and open your fields of awareness to this moment; and EnJoy! Knowing, that while you may not hear it with your physical ears, your others work quite well, and are indeed, receiving of this gift now...
And so it is.
I am ever blessed, to find myself seen and heard once more, through the great Love of ones such as Tikele, the Kahu Fred Sterling, and so forth. You may also, choose to remember, times we have shared with one another, in Lemuria, and beyond: come share this time with me, once again, as we begin now, to awaken a populace, that is out of Love, into the greatness of this Love we shared so freely, and soon will know again.
For the grandness of the Shift is upon you; upon each of us; and we in the world of Guidance, the Angelic Light, the Great Masters, and so forth, are showing ourselves to you, more and more, that you might remember: that you might choose, as often as you might, to discover the Love that You ARE, once more: this time, as you walk the path of Human, at this time of the Great Shift in Consciousness.
I AM the Chancellor: I AM The Magdalen; I AM Sadiyaa; I AM Tikele: we are the focus of the Violet Council of Light at this time: Blessings, be upon You all, as the Light of Creator shines forth in Its Love, within and all around You now.
Be, at Peace: Go, in Love; and EnJoy, this wonderful world you have created around you: for there is ever, wonder to be found, in the eyes of Love.
Blessings always; and so it is.
Hi everyone,
I apologise, for the slowness of this message arriving into your Inbox... My journey has been so full of change and transformation, with wonderful new adventures unfolding on almost a constant basis!
I have been busy designing next year’s program, and have put together a program, that is for the Teachers: those who are ready to move into another level of the journey, by committing to a “school” of ten workshops, from February to November, ie, one a month. It will have within it, the Ten Principles of Conscious Creation by Master Guide Kirael, as the guiding themes each month, to truly open those who attend to discovering who they are, what they can create, and what is needed to live a life of great Love, to bring Self and others into Love. It will be guided by the Magdalen, and the Chancellor – who better, to teach us of Love – its a WOW!
The Magdalen will be introducing herself in the Special Presentation Evening on Thursday, 7th December - the title is The Goddess Light of the Magdalen, & Her Gifts to the Earth Plane, to be experienced at Crows Nest; and she will also be a guiding focus to the BEING LOVE workshop, on December 9th & 10th – note that it is at Waverton :) which is about being completely immersed in the Love of Spirit, coming to understand the power of our own Light presence, to create change, to know ourselves as worthy and able to receive, Love.
I would like to share what others had to say, about the Being Light workshop held last month, as an indication of what is in store for those attending Being Love:
The Being Light workshop is an accumulation of a wonderful year of work with the beautiful energies that Tikele is able to bring through. There is a bringing and remembering of such peace, such centredness and such love. Tikele is able to create a space for us all to remember these essences of life and our paths. The personal messages channeled by the Beings of Light are also uplifting and inspiring. It is a great reminder of how we can live our lives in our present incarnations - in love and joy and peace. Very healing". Maria Mitar
I found the Being Light Workshop to be powerful and transformational. The meditations and healing sessions were very beautiful and at the same time very powerful. Tikele created a safe space for everyone in the workshop and I feel that lots of healing took place for myself. Tikele is a pure and clear channel. She conducted the workshop from a space of love, compassion, passion and wisdom. Kerry Bradford.
The Being Light workshop was a wonderful way to experience the pure joy & unconditional love of the beings of light that Tikele channels. The weekend flowed with beautiful healings, meditations, insights & personal messages for our spiritual growth & understanding that we are light, we are love. I feel great!! Tracie Allan
I would highly recommend a workshop with Tikele for anyone wishing to expand their spiritual awareness and open up to other realities. Relaxed, yet intensive, empowering you with a greater frame of reference, leaving you empowered and trusting in your own inherent wisdom, they are an invaluable tool in anyone’s spiritual adventure. Paul Mackie
Aha! Tikele, I found the Being Light weekend to be a very gentle yet profoundly moving experience. I've finally let go the resistance I had to Being Light and shining. YES! At last, I'm walking into my potential and I'm celebrating..., thankyou so much to you Sadiyaa and the Violet Council, Love Kerry Keogh
The Being Light workshop is not only an incredibly powerfully healing workshop, but the most important step in our progression to higher levels of Self - discovery. After experiencing Being Light you simply cannot wait to experience Being Love. See you there. Indira Novic
I was enveloped with light and love. It was such an uplifting feeling to connect with the energy of the universe and all my loved ones. Sharing this workshop with a group was really special - a great energy was felt. It really shifted things in me and inspired me on my journey. Thank you Tikele, Stevka Ilic
The December Lemurian Gathering (Sunday 3rd), offers the gift of Deeksha, a transmission of enlightenment energy, presented by David Martin, his partner Louise, and others – an awakening experience, indeed! Please bring a quilt to lie on and cushion, if you are attending :)
And the year concludes with the Evening in the Love of the Goddess With the Violet Council of Light on Thursday, 14th Dec, where the Goddess Light is more strongly present within the Violet Council as the focus for the Evening.
Please come and share some, or all! of these special times with me, and the ones I work with, I would so Love to see you!
Until 14th December, when the next fortnightly message is due, I hold you in Love, as we experience together, this Great Shift in Consciousness :)
Enfolding you in the Infinite Love of the All That Is - the Creator Light; that of the Christ Consciousness, the Goddess Light of Love, and the Love of your Higher Selves for you, that most precious and Beloved part of their Light,
loving blessings,
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