viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Wake up Call: Hatonn May 16, 07 Part 2

Wake up Call: Hatonn May 16, 07 Part 2

[Wakeup Call] Wake up Call Hatonn, May 16, 07

I Am Hatonn back again with some news. We are about to enter into an eclipse of the heart chakra. This means that as we ascend into our lighter bodies we will feel as if we are having a heart attack. When we go to the doctor there will be nothing found to explain the pain. As well by that time the pain will have subsided and in many cases a feeling of euphoria will be felt.

This is true with any who experience this who are younger in earth years than fifty. For those who feel the pain who are over fifty, or thereabouts, they will likely continue the pain slightly for a short time, and then it will fade away, as their fear of the pain fades. Realize that the two issues are united. The fear comes from the experience of the pain, and the pain continues for a while, to a lesser degree, because of the fear. As you can see from this equation, in letting go of the fear you let go of the pain.

I am not in any way suggesting that you disregard any chest pain, or any other pain (for there will likely be pain in other areas of your body), and allow it to continue without seeking professional assistance if you are so led to. What I am saying is that when the professional tells you that there is no reason for the pain, or discomfort then realize it is the result of the clearing of any energy within your body that does not resonate with the higher realms.

Realize also that this is in total co-operation with your higher being. This is taking place because you are ready for the next step in your evolvement, and that new step is to come at the beginning of the summer. When it comes you may feel that your world is topsy-turvy, upside down, and you’ll wonder what relevance the new world has to the one you thought you would be involving yourself with.

This is the transition into the new rendition of the old idea of what you would be doing in the months to come. You will be taking parts of the energies of what was, and combining them with the new energies that arise from the higher realms and then will be creating anew, as is befitting the times. This is not to say that your purposes will change altogether, they will simply ease out of the old complicated scenarios into the new flowing ones that find no burden of movement, and much celebration of creation.

We see all of you as a circle. In this circle are many colors and many tones resonating throughout the next months. With this resonance comes the knowledge that you are exactly right where you are meant to be at any given time. Yes, in any moment you will know that you are in the exactly perfect space and energy in which to accomplish the miracles that you will be finding are becoming more and more the ‘given’ ideas for your lives. This does not mean that you will find your lives humdrum from this perfection. Oh, no! Your lives will be alive with so much magic and joy that you will know in each moment the celebration of the perfection and even the ecstasy that comes from being in total communion with Spirit.

I have come once again today in order to remind those of you who chose this time for your energy-changing that all is well. It is a time for going within and asking your higher being for any guidance that may be at your door. When that guidance comes it is wise to follow it, even if it feels impossible to do. You will find that by trusting, you will be led to events and circumstances that will merit your utmost attention. The events leading up to your present situation will all become clear, and the perfection will be obvious.

My dear ones, know that as the next days, weeks, and even months for some, roll on by, and as situations change, lives are disrupted, and challenges presented, you are all calling out the reserves within for you recognize that the times are upon you to persevere and to flow with the changing tides. You have agreed to the new changes that have surfaced in probability recently, and with these changes we will be seeing a brighter time to come than was foreseen even one year ago.

You have raised the energy of possibility to an extent that has surpassed the seen projections from the energy readings that were taken last October, and you are flying higher than you originally thought possible. You have surpassed the original Intent of The Creator, with the plea to extend the Intent to new heights. This was agreed upon most vehemently, and now you are showing what you are made of in a whole new way to attain the New Intent of The Creator. You are truly in harmony with the energies that propel you throughout the Universal grid, and that has not been done before.

I take my leave once more this day, and I encourage you all to look deep into the eyes of those around you. You may see something new there that speaks to you of the new wave of love that is sweeping around and through the planet because of this New Intent energy. Know that you are a part of the new wave and it is grand.

Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate

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You are the promise that you bring to yourselves. Master Sananda Kumara

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De: MiAng Enviado: 17/05/2007 16:42
[Wakeup Call] Wake up Call, Hatonn May 16, 07 -- Part 2

Hi Everyone,

After taking 2/3 of t

he day to paint a bright off-white color over the BLACK paint that was in my new office, I plugged my computer back in and opened up my email. After looking at the beautiful new/ in progress website that Ulla is creating for Clarisse, the owner of Essence of Tranquility, I then opened this email with the news from a friend in CA. Read below to see how what Hatonn told us yesterday in part 2 of the Wake up Call helped to flow Courtland through a clearing episode. We are eternally grateful for all the blessings we are given along the way. thank you Hatonn for this timely gift of wisdom. thank you Courtland for sharing your experience.

You are the promise that you bring to yourselves. Master Sananda Kumara

--- On Thu 05/17, < > wrote:

Good Morning Nancy, Good Morning Hatonn...

and let me say...what a BEAUTIFUL morning it is today...last evening sooner had I finished reading your Wake Up Call / Hatonn / Part II ...about the "eclipse of the heart" "heart attack"? OMG...I shortly thereafter felt this real burning feeling in my chest...and almost like a numbing burn if that makes sense, I could tell my pulse was racing somewhat, and I was so calm...I mean I just laid here and conversed with spirit...and I "KNEW" I was lasted about 45 minutes and as I kept reminding myself of NO truly did subside and I KNEW... ALL... was in perfect order...actually I was probably somewhat smiling...KNOWING what was happening...let me add, had I not read your Wake Up Call from Hatonn...I probably would have panicked and gone to the did "hurt"...but, not what I would call excruciating...and the euphoric feeling...after this happened...I was extremely tired..and went directly to bed...where my night was somewhat restless, but, I felt such immense peace, love and just (for lack of a better word(s) spaciness! LOL

ALL is FINE...I feel FABULOUS...feel free to share my email...let others know explicitly...remember when this comes upon you...allow, receive, remember NO FEAR...bless yourself for you are reaching yet another blissful plateau on your ascension journey!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU Nancy...Blessings be to YOU my friend....You are love and light!

THANK YOU THANK YOU Hatonn for aiding and assisting so many of us Lightworkers on this AMAZING journey...I am here to serve and raise our consciousness in the name of Love, Light and Peace.

Thank you and Bless You, Hatonn and Nancy for your guidance during these times!

Blessings be to YOU!

~may the Rainbow start in your Heart~
Courtland Kusmierz
"Love is a gift, YOU give yourself"

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