viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Sananda comments 12-3-06

Sananda comments 12-3-06
Journal 12-3-06 Sananda, I would like for comments today. Where are we, and what is about to happen? What a blessed time we are moving into. Jess, good


Jess: Sananda comments 12-3-06
Journal 12-3-06

Sananda, I would like for comments today. Where are we, and what is about to happen? What a blessed time we are moving into.

Jess, good morning. Let's speak to some of the issues you raised.

The political changes are ready to begin. Why don't they, you ask? The timing is not yet right. The release of the money is contingent on the readiness of the players to remove the government. This means that the complicated scenario for removal must be in place completely in parallel with the distribution of the packets for certification of transfer of money and the preparation of the system for notifying all the recipients. The money has to be in place at the same time as the readiness of the coup participants to move. This is a scheme that is strung out and positioned all over the world. There are international facets of this scenario that must be synchronized and coordinated. You saw the detail that would be connected with Lauren being a coordinator for the flyover. This scenario connected with the announcement is tenfold more complicated and intricate. You really can't conceive the intricacies that must be dealt with to put this all in motion. It is more than just an announcement that money is available and a new government will take over. There has to be the stability to back up the announced words and the maneuvers that will bring this all into play.

The idea is to have this completed by Christmas. Yes, I know this is now turning into another year of preparation and delay. But changes are taking place on levels and dimensions you don't see. Your visible evidence is unfortunately for you the last piece of the puzzle the must be placed in position. Your waiting and anticipation is stretched beyond what your current preconceptions are easily able to accept or tolerate. You must being to flow with the changes that are taking place around you and assume the steps are being taken to implement the final procedures necessary to install the new regime that is open to working with us. They are just about ready to materialize in your public perception. Again I can give you no firm date. This is all Michael's decision. We are all Michael's decision. The immensity of that idea gives you the scope of the details of this undertaking here on Earth.

The changes you seek are ready to manifest. Yes, the stage is set for it all to happen. It could be this week or next. It just depends on Michael's determination of absolute readiness. We wait his signal to begin our part of the event. Meanwhile, we are all working on laying the groundwork for the activities that will start once the announcement is made. We must be ready and in place so that there is a continuity that bolsters and augments the revolution in thinking that will be started with the official announcements of fiscal change and governmental renewal. It's a two-pronged maneuver, and both have to be ready so each can take place.

Sananda Esu. That is enough for today. Enough is enough, don't you think?

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