viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Messages 07 : Planetary Transformation: The Earth's Role in the Cosmos


The Earth's Role in the Cosmos

All souls, everywhere, benefit from the increase in wholeness that
is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest
reaches of matter. That is why the earth's transition into light is
being watched over by beings of light throughout the entire populated


The arc of purification that is part of planetary transformation
covers many lifetimes, each lifetime building on the healing that has
gone before, each adding new dimensions of growth to the embodiment of
the soul and its calling. For each human being has a calling to be
here - an invitation issued by the soul that set forth from the planes
beyond the material in order to experience separated consciousness and
individualized existence. This great experiment in freedom was
designed not just for the benefit of souls, however, but also for the
benefit of Creation itself, for all souls everywhere benefit from the
increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead
penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter.

To understand this, one must visualize the part in relation to the
whole - the health of the part adding to and increasing the health and
wellbeing of the whole. Within the realm of human experience one can
only compare this to the singular importance of the heart, for
example, and its role in many vital functions, or to the brain, and
its similarly important role. So, too, does the immersion of
consciousness within the plane of physical matter create an
opportunity for light to extend its reach and therefore its capacity
to radiate blessing to the entire universe, both physical and
non-physical. It is for this reason that all of Creation awaits the
outcome of the transition into embodied light that the present
movement of the Earth is making, as it similarly awaits this for all
other planets which house realms of duality.

The balance of the future in one sense lies in the outcome of light's
ability to overcome darkness upon the earth - a battle being waged
within time and space. Yet in another sense, this future has already
been realized since it is inherent in Creation itself that light is
stronger than darkness, and therefore, that ultimately it must prevail
over all counteracting movements to create separation, disruption, and
an abandonment of Divine principle.

This drama, which is of great significance to each and every embodied
being, is being watched by many beings of light throughout the entire
populated universe, and there are those who stand guard over the
planet as well as those who participate in its earthly life in order
to guarantee that the forces of light and of Divine intention shall be
victorious. There is no way of telling what the specific steps will
be that will lead to the outcome of planetary transformation into an
earth-star, but there is an absolute way of knowing that in the end,
all forces of darkness shall be dispelled, since it has been thus
ordained by God.
May all who hold the truth of these words in their consciousness bless
the earth and her inhabitants with their own freely given choice to
uphold light and love in their everyday actions and thoughts, and in
their everyday behavior of one to another. In this way shall the
process move more smoothly toward its conclusion, and in this way will
all beings discover the blessings that have been long-awaited, ending
the pain and suffering that continue to be present for so many. Amen.


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