viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Messages 07 : Elias #1573, 6/4/04-2

Elias #1573, 6/4/04-2

Friday, June 4, 2004
Session #1573 (Private)
"Exercise: How Often Do You Pay Attention to Yourself?"
"Finding a New Job: First, Recognize Your Preferences"

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Martina (Tanyas)

(Elias' arrival time is 18 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

MARTINA: Hello, Elias.

ELIAS: Welcome!

MARTINA: I come from Germany. At first I want to say greetings from
Beauti. (Elias chuckles) You are laughing?

ELIAS: I am merely amused with your apprehension.

MARTINA: With my apprehension?

ELIAS: You may relax. I shall assure you I shall not bite you!
(Laughs loudly)

MARTINA: I'm very excited to meet you for the first time. I've read
many of the transcripts, and now I'm very happy to be here and to meet
you. I have many questions for you.

ELIAS: Very well.

MARTINA: But first I want you to tell me my family and alignment and
orientation, please.

ELIAS: And your impression?

MARTINA: My impression with my alignment is perhaps Milumet.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARTINA: And my family seems to be Tumold?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

MARTINA: Tumold/Milumet. And my orientation, intermediate.

ELIAS: Correct.

MARTINA: So, that's great. That feels very good for me. I'm really
intermediate? (Sighs, and Elias chuckles) Now I know where many
problems come from, where I feel that I don't fit in here.

ELIAS: Many intermediates individuals incorporate similar feelings,
but that is expressed in association with your comparison of yourself
with other individuals.

MARTINA: Yes, comparison all the time. I compare myself with
everyone I meet, yes. I am emotional focus, that's right?


MARTINA: My essence name, please?

ELIAS: Essence name, Tanyas, T-A-N-Y-A-S (TAHN yus).

MARTINA: And could you please give me the same for my son, Garrett?

ELIAS: Essence name Hartmut. And your impression as to essence

MARTINA: I have no impression. In astrology, I know he is Jungfrau -
I can't translate it now. His essence family, I don't really know.

ELIAS: Essence family Vold; alignment, Sumari.

MARTINA: And what is his orientation?

ELIAS: Common.

MARTINA: Am I the only intermediate in my close family?


MARTINA: I have a question about my intent. Everybody wants to know
what their intent is! I think it's for me to handle this authority
thing. I have always trouble and trouble with rules and authorities.
That's correct?

ELIAS: Yes, an exploration of the expressions of authority and how
you interact with that and how you allow or do not allow an influence
in association with the role of authorities.

MARTINA: With the role?

ELIAS: The position.

MARTINA: But how can I change this?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of changing the intent, but perhaps
altering how you perceive the intent. Rather than viewing it as a
tremendous challenge, perhaps to begin to allow yourself to continue
your exploration of authorities, already recognizing what you view in
their position, but now incorporating a playfulness in exploring how
you interact and what you allow as to your responses. Rather than
merely engaging automatic responses, allow yourself to incorporate
more playfulness, and allow your own freedom of expression.

Rather than viewing the authority as intimidating or an entity that
you must force energy against, perhaps you may be incorporating the
invention of a new game to be playing with your figures of authority,
viewing them differently, as not actually incorporating authority at
all and that you are equally as powerful.

MARTINA: There are other things that belong to my intent in the
observing and noticing of the behavior and perception of others. I do
it all my life since I was a small one. Is that a thing that belongs
to my intent?

ELIAS: Yes, but that is also associated with the general theme of
exploring authority figures and how that influences individuals'

MARTINA: I'm always looking to the other people. It's so hard to
stay with myself and to feel in myself and not to project my attention
to the others.

ELIAS: This requires practice. I may express to you a suggestion.
Do not attempt to overwhelm yourself and do not attempt to view this
practice or this action of holding your attention upon yourself for
long time frameworks initially. Allow yourself to merely pay
attention in one day, to practice in one day how often you may be
paying attention to yourself. Or in one day, you may generate an
exercise and merely pay attention to how often you do not pay
attention to yourself - which may be quite instructive! (Chuckles)
For once you are recognizing how often you do not pay attention to
yourself, you shall be paying attention to yourself.

It also offers you information as to what triggers you, what triggers
your attention to move outside of yourself automatically. In that
identification, you may offer yourself more of a clarity and therefore
allow yourself to choose and notice in the moments that some action or
interaction is occurring, and you begin to recognize: Ah, each time I
am incorporating this type of interaction, my attention is triggered
to be projecting outside of myself. Now I am noticing that action and
I may be turning my attention to myself and inquiring within myself
"what am I expressing," rather than what is the other individual

MARTINA: It's very difficult. Since I know you and the transcripts,
I tried it again and again, and I feel it's very hard. I forget it,
and hours later I remember there was something that I want to do.
Another question in this direction with my intent, the challenge to
care and to be close without doing much. Beyond that...

ELIAS: That is another avenue. There are many specific avenues that
you engage that are associated with the general theme.

I may offer you a suggestion that may be less distracting to your
attention in this now, to be not incorporating this creature. (Elias
indicates Mary's dog, Polly, who has been fretting while sitting on
Martina's lap.) Allow yourself to not incorporate this creature, and
you shall be less distracted. For once again your attention is moving
outside and being distracted and struggling in attempting to be
concentrating upon focusing with your questions.

MARTINA: I have been told that I have to work without territory and
without security. Is this correct? You know what I mean, the territory?


MARTINA: Is this correct?


Now; let me offer you explanation. You may offer yourself information
through many different sources, but what is significant is that you
allow yourself to become familiar with you. Therefore, as you offer
yourself any information, such as what you have expressed in this
question, you may evaluate that and you may allow yourself to
recognize what you are projecting in energy in any particular time
framework, which reflects in your receiving that type of information.

Let me express to you, this many times with many individuals becomes
what we may express as tricky business, for individuals seek out other
individuals, or even other essences, and dependent upon what you are
projecting in energy and what you are drawing yourself to in any
particular moment, you may be offering yourself information that is
partial information, or it may be somewhat distorted. Or it may be a
translation of the energy that you are projecting in the moment, and
the individual that is offering you the information is filtering that
through their perception and expressing an absolute. There are no

In one moment, you may be discounting of yourself, and in that moment,
the energy that you may be projecting and the type of discounting that
you may be expressing may be translated into information that you are
displaced. Therefore, that may be translated into "no territory." Or
you may be discounting of yourself and your abilities and not trusting
your ability to express yourself and to generate certain
manifestations, and that may translate into information that you shall
not be creating abundance.

But those are not absolutes. They are indications of what type of
energy you are projecting in the moment, which is beneficial
information - not to be receiving that information as an absolute and
thusly distressing yourself and reinforcing more of your own
discounting of yourself, but to incorporate receiving that information
and thusly generating an evaluation: What am I discounting of myself
in this now? What am I not trusting within myself of my abilities in
this now, therefore projecting this type of energy and reflecting to
myself what I am projecting?

MARTINA: I think that's the point, the absolutes. I have so many

ELIAS: And within this time framework, addressing to this wave of
truths, that becomes very strong and it becomes much more obvious, for
you begin to experience your truths. But do not incorporate the trap
once again to be viewing your truths and automatically once again
discounting yourself and expressing that this is bad; for your truths
are merely strongly expressed beliefs that you have generated into an
absolute. But once you are recognizing your truths, you may begin to
view them, evaluate them, evaluate their influences, and offer
yourself choice.

Remember, each truth incorporates many, many influences, some of which
you prefer, some of which you do not. It is merely a matter of
recognizing what the influences of your truths are, recognizing that
they are your truths, they are your guidelines for YOU, not
necessarily for any other individual, and that that is acceptable. It
is not bad for you to incorporate your own preferences and your own
opinions, but also recognize the difference is not bad, either. As
strongly as you may align with your truths, other individuals align
strongly with their truths also - but they are THEIR guidelines. It
is not necessary that you agree but that you allow yourself to not be
threatened by the differences, and therefore generate cooperation.

MARTINA: Yes, I experience in this time framework to feel threatened
in moments.

ELIAS: Yes, and the reason that you experience threateningness in
association with differences is that you discount yourself and thusly
you question yourself, and you camouflage the questioning of yourself
by defending. The defending is an automatic response. If you are
defending, you may assure yourself that you are not quite sure of your
own truths, and therefore, they must be protected.

MARTINA: The same man who told me that told me also that I have
qualities that are not valued in this time framework and in this
western country. Is this the same? Did I project something and he
put it in this form?

ELIAS: Yes, for you are not valuing yourself and trusting your
qualities and your abilities, and therefore, this is reflected. It is
not TRUE, but it is real. It is real energy that you are projecting.
It is a real perception that you incorporate of yourself, but it is
not true.

MARTINA: When you say this, I understand and I can see it.

My next problem is my job. I have kept my job, and I have worked a
long time with children and I worked as a nurse. Now I want to do
other things. I think I have other qualities. I don't want to be the
mother for other people; I want to be the mother for myself. Now I'm
looking for a new job, and there are problems. I don't have a clear
picture of what I want to do.

ELIAS: For you are not listening to yourself.

MARTINA: I'm not listening? I have a sense that I...?

ELIAS: You are thinking, but you are not listening.

MARTINA: Can you give me a hint?

ELIAS: Thought does not create reality; it merely translates. You
are thinking and thinking and thinking concerning what you shall do,
what you know, what is traditional, what is the structure, and you are
not allowing yourself to listen to your creativity and to your
communications concerning your preferences and what you want. For
what is familiar to you is to be continuously listening to the wants
of other individuals, and it is unfamiliar to you to be listening to
your own voice and your own wants. Therefore, you are not familiar
with your preferences.

This is your beginning point, to be allowing yourself to recognize
your preferences, and therefore inspire yourself to move in those
directions rather than in directions that have been expected.

MARTINA: Yes, but I want to (inaudible) in my intent. That wasn't a
wrong way to earn money till I can create it by myself.

ELIAS: But now recognize also, in some of these directions it is not
necessarily a matter that the type of profession, so to speak, that
you choose is not adequate or that it is not what you yourself are
creating, for you are. It is not a matter of black and white - either
you are incorporating employment with some established business or you
are generating your own direction and incorporating your own business
of some type. It is not black and white.

You are generating your own expression, regardless of whether you are
incorporating employment with some establishment or whether you are
generating in a different manner. You are the one that is creating
the reality. Therefore, even within the structure of some employment,
you may be allowing yourself your freedom to express your creativity,
to be paying attention to yourself and to be incorporating fun.

Let me express to you, many individuals speak with myself and they
inquire of myself concerning their employment. They wish to be
incorporating what they term to be large sums of money or they wish to
be incorporating the action of winning the lottery. Therefore, they
shall incorporate large volumes of money, and if they incorporate this
money, they shall incorporate the freedom to be, in their terms, doing
what they want, and they will not incorporate their employment any
longer. But if they incorporate all of this money, they are not
incorporating their employment and they do not know what their
preferences are, therefore they are working harder in not employment
than they are in employment, for they are pushing their energy so very
hard in their freedom. For they do not understand their freedom, and
they associate freedom with time.

Time is not necessarily freedom. You may incorporate tremendous
volumes of time and not be expressing your freedom and be pushing,
pushing your energy, working very hard with your energy - and not
working! (Laughs) This is the reason that it is significant to be
evaluating, to become familiar with yourself, to know what your
preferences are and therefore know what is most efficient and most
effortless for you in your movement.

Some individuals are more comfortable with some element of structure,
for this allows them to be effortlessly moving and accomplishing, and
not continuously evaluating and analyzing and attempting to think and
think and think "what shall I do, how shall I do?" They merely
incorporate the structure of time, which requires no thinking and no
evaluation. They merely move to their employment, and without
thinking, they act. That is more effortless than not incorporating
their employment and thinking, thinking, thinking and attempting to be
imagining what they may do, as they perceive themselves to be doing
nothing. But you are doing something - you are worrying and you are
forcing energy and you are incorporating an action. It merely does
not appear to you to be an action, for it is not a product; you are
not producing.

MARTINA: But now I know that I'm intermediate and it's okay to
produce not outwardly.

ELIAS: Let me express to you also in association with your
orientation. It is not a rule, but generally speaking most
individuals of the intermediate orientation do prefer some elements of
structure. They do incorporate more of a comfort with some expression
of structure but with enough allowance to express their own individual
methods within the structure, to allow themselves to express their
creativity and their appreciation of themselves but within an outside
structure, but not a rigid structure.

MARTINA: I tend to rigid things.

ELIAS: Within yourself, but you also push against outside rigidness.

MARTINA: I have created a new job, but should it be a new job? I
would have to be the woman with the emergency suitcase. I have
cancelled this and have said I don't want to make this within me. And
I think this is a preference, to be important for myself and not for
other people. You even said I do not know my preferences, and this is
shocking for me in some ways.

ELIAS: But this is not to say that you may not know them; it is
merely a matter of paying attention to yourself and genuinely allowing
yourself to become intimately familiar with yourself.

MARTINA: I have to think about this. It's not so important what
employment I will do; it's not important. I could do any employment
and feel good, yes?

ELIAS: Yes. It is what you allow within yourself, what you allow in
expressing your creativity and expressing you in your freedom. That
is what is important.

MARTINA: I have a question about a relationship with my friend
Sophie. Oftentimes we are paralleling with our actions and thinking.
Are we in counterpart action?


MARTINA: I do know that I know her from other focuses.




MARTINA: There's another question about my fear. In the last years,
I feel that as my fear is growing every day more and more - I'm
thinking a lot that you told me about this - I think the fear stems
from the (inaudible). Is this right?

ELIAS: It also is associated with your tendency to be comparing quite
strongly. As you compare yourself with other individuals, or even as
you compare yourself with your ideal of yourself, you reinforce this
discounting of yourself that you do not measure to your expectation.
You do not measure to the ideal you, and therefore, you discount
yourself. The more that you discount yourself, the more you doubt
your abilities and the more you doubt your abilities, the more you
become a victim of yourself and the more you generate the fear. For
if you are moving into the expression of victim to yourself, you
eliminate your choices. You do not perceive that you incorporate
choices; therefore, how may you change any expression within your
focus, for you are now powerless. But you incorporate quite a strong

MARTINA: Yes, I know this.

ELIAS: ...and a tremendous potential to be expressing it, but you are
channeling that energy and that power into the victim, and channeling
that energy into fear. And you may turn that and channel that energy
into appreciation.

MARTINA: I tried that a lot in the last weeks. Can you see that

ELIAS: Yes, somewhat. And I may express to you to continue
practicing, for what you have generated is an extended time framework
in which you project your attention outward outside of yourself and
concern yourself with other individuals to an extreme and concern
yourself with attempting to satisfy the wants of other individuals,
and not paying attention to your own.

Now; you have generated that in such an extreme, that as you turn your
attention to yourself - which is difficult, for it is unfamiliar - you
are automatically now generating an association in what you may term
to be almost an opposite perception of other individuals. Now they
are irritating to you, and now you are moving in the other direction
of "I do not want to interactive; I do not want to be helpful; I do
not want to be accommodating other individuals' wants." Once again,
you have moved into the black and white, the either/or - either it is
concerning the other individuals or it is concerning you.

There is a balance. There is a middle in which you are paying
attention to yourself, you are allowing yourself to express your
preferences, you are generating your appreciation of yourself, and you
also generate an appreciation of all of your reality and all that has
been created within your reality. For you begin to recognize that all
that is within your reality, you have created. Therefore, all of the
other individuals that may be within your reality, you are creating
them. And if you are creating them and if you are appreciating of
you, they, in a manner of speaking, are an extension of you, and
therefore they are appreciated also. (Chuckles)

MARTINA: There is a sentence in the transcripts I have read, that we
each individually generate the objective insertion of the Shift.


MARTINA: What does that mean?

ELIAS: What is meant in this statement is that this shift is not an
event of itself. This shift in consciousness is an action that each
individual is creating through the action of widening their awareness,
the acceptance of their beliefs, the acceptance of self, and an action
of genuinely turning and creating directing self - which may be
somewhat of a challenge with your intent, for you concern yourself
with authorities. But this is the challenge, to turn that perception
- not to change the intent, but to move the exploration of it in more
of an expansiveness, and therefore to be recognizing what you perceive
to be authorities but directing yourself regardless, and not being
directed by the authorities.

In this action, each individual begins to insert this shift into their
objective reality, and each individual that moves more into this
objective insertion of this shift - which is the alteration of their
perceptions, for perception creates the actual physical reality and
everything within it - as each individual alters their perception,
they alter the reality, and they offer energy to all the other
individuals to be generating similarly.

Therefore, there is not an actual physical date-point that I may
express to individuals within this forum or beyond that is the actual
completion of this shift. I may offer an approximation in dates, but
it is dependent upon all of the individuals within your reality and
when they each insert this shift. It is moving, and it is being
inserted, and individuals are widening their awareness quite rapidly.
But as you are also aware in association with this wave addressing to
truths, there is much polarization and much opposition, also. For
individuals hold tightly to their truths, and they struggle and push
against difference quite strongly.

MARTINA: My vision has changed. Is that to remember to pay attention
and to look to myself? Is that the reason, or is there something I
don't want to see?

ELIAS: It is both. What you do not want to see is outside of
yourself any longer. But remember, viewing within is not to the
exclusion of viewing outwardly. Remember the balance.

MARTINA: I don't remember much of my dreams, and when I do the mirror
exercise, I see only an unclear picture of perhaps another focus.
Where does that come from, that I don't remember much or see?

ELIAS: In not generating a memory of dream imagery or dream action,
you are not incorporating your objective awareness in your dream
state, for that is what creates the memory. If you are involving your
objective awareness within sleep state, you begin to create imagery,
and that is the imagery of the dreams. That is what dreams are; they
are objective imagery as a translation of the subjective action that
is occurring in that time framework. If you are not engaging your
objective awareness within sleep state, you do not generate memory,
for the objective was not creating imagery. Your objective awareness
is what creates imagery.

Now; if you wish to be generating an objective involvement within your
sleep state to create dream imagery, you can quite simply, by altering
your sleep patterns. If you interrupt the familiarity of your sleep
patterns, the objective awareness continues to be functioning and
monitoring what you are doing, in a manner of speaking. Therefore, if
you temporarily are engaging different sleep patterns, perhaps
incorporating a nap or altering the hours in which you are sleeping or
altering how many hours you are sleeping, these interrupt the familiar
pattern, and that automatically engages the objective awareness.

MARTINA: I will try that, thank you. I want to ask you, do I have
another focus as a jazz singer?


MARTINA: Is it a famous one?

ELIAS: Somewhat, within your early 1900s within the southern area of
America. And you may investigate.

MARTINA: It's a male focus?


MARTINA: I think I do have more male focuses than female, is that right?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

MARTINA: I do not have more questions, but you have given me much to
think about and to feel and to...

ELIAS: Assimilate.

MARTINA: Assimilate, yes.

ELIAS: And do not forget of your exercise, to be incorporating one
day of noticing all of your discountings of yourself and one day to be
incorporating of noticing how often you acknowledge yourself or you
appreciate. This also may be interesting and playful for you, amusing
to you to view how the scale is not balanced! Perhaps you may be
incorporating some of these discountings of yourself, and you may
appreciating of them and put them in your other scale to be balancing
more efficiently. (Laughs) Those expressions that you discount
yourself, evaluate them in a playful manner and attempt to discover
some appreciation for those discountings.

MARTINA: I don't understand.

ELIAS: If you are noticing some element that you discount yourself
of, view that and view it in a playful manner, and turn that to how
you may appreciate that very same expression. This shall be your new
game: I shall express to you also that within this week, each day you
shall incorporate an action of any type, one time within each day,
that genuinely invokes a smile and laughter within yourself. Present
one element to yourself each day that you shall incorporate
"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Perhaps merely visualize myself and my
expression (Elias laughs heartily again to demonstrate), and you shall
be incorporating also this laughter!

MARTINA: Yes, I will do so.

ELIAS: Which may be helpful to your appreciation! (Chuckles)

Very well, my friend. I shall anticipate our next meeting. Be
assured I shall be offering my energy to you, and I shall be
encouraging and supportive to you.

MARTINA: Thank you very much, Elias.

ELIAS: It is always available. My encouragement, my appreciation and
my affection to you, my friend.

MARTINA: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

MARTINA: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 57 minutes.

?2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

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