15th April, 2007
Greetings, Dear Hearts, I AM Sadiyaa...I welcome you, to a new adventure: a new journey of Love, unfolding within, each and every one of you now.
The past weeks, months, perhaps longer in some cases, have stretched interminably for some, who find themselves dealing with challenge after challenge, just at the time when it was anticipated to be somewhat smoother sailing, at least upon your waters of life, even as others around you, would perhaps find it somewhat more difficult.
Instead, others are seemingly less encumbered, often; and you wonder why, should you be the one who is doing all the heavy lifting, rather than others, doing their share of the work. Dear ones, it is because, You have Chosen: chosen, to be aware of your own Light: chosen, to awaken others to their own journey of Love, begun anew. For a short time longer, it will be as though, you had sat yourself back into the mire you had already moved through - why? Because, dearest hearts, you are feeling the reaction of those who are in fearfulness now, of the changes that are indeed imminent: they recognise, that change is imperative before too much time passes, and their instinctive response is to turn away from the too bright a Light, as it appears to them: to say, 'Not yet!' and to move even more strongly, into their third dimensional journey. 'For surely it cannot be, as is described by these ones, who are so convinced of their path now...better to get on with what is real, what can be felt in the hand, and leave these others to their delusions...' And yet, a part of them knows: their Core Light Essence, the Higher Self, knows... and it allows for some leeway, in the form and nature of the journey, while it is still possible, for its aspect to do as it chooses.
Fear not, for these ones know full well, the time remaining to them, in the old paradigm: it is not needed, to watch over them, to determine when they are ready, to understand what you already know - they will come to you, when the time is right, for guidance on how to have their own path to appear in greater magnitude, before them.
Each and every Soul now, is awaiting its chance, to move into a new consciousness: a collective force, based in the vibration of Love essence, that is Creator's Love, Goddess Love, Christ Consciousness Love...however you would choose to describe it to yourself now. As you, the Human, walking the path of third dimensional focus, chooses to shift into a state of gratitude, in the wonderment of the journey before you: at the great Beauty of nature, of a friendly smile from a stranger, or from a child... there is ever that present to you, which can be utilised by your Guidance, to show you the great Joy of being Human, at any given moment of your experiencing - even when, life appears to be somewhat difficult. Send your gaze into the plant world; into a crystal; into the skies... a beautiful picture, or the colour of a fabric that pleases you, that you have placed in your room or place of work. Where possible, light a candle, and speak forth a Prayer, that re-aligns you into the Love that You ARE - simply speak from your Heart, that which is present to you, in the moment.
Do not judge, if the words be harsh and full of anger: it is appropriate, to release such emotions, and you, who are walking between the worlds at this time, even as it is not yet always done consciously, will find that your energy responds just as quickly to the Love, as it did to that which angered you. We do not ask that you release this anger towards others, at any time: instead, speak into the Light of your Higher Self, and ask of it, to help you to see this situation somewhat differently. Allow your thoughts to be free, as in a daydream, without the continual round of the same thoughts, and you will become aware, that another thought is present: one that resets your understanding of the situation, or offers a solution of some sort, that is the starting point, for a brand new journey to unfold: one that is more open to the Love, than that which you had held yourself within before the upset took place.
You see, dear hearts, the lesson plans of yesteryear, are passing quickly by - some are held within them still; yet, you who know yourselves to be of the world of the Lightworker, already recognise, that the Great Shift in Consciousness is here - it is here, within YOU; and as it is present to you, there is much Joy, to be in understanding of it, that you would share with others now.
There are those who planned to leave at this time, that they might reincarnate at a higher vibration, than was previously possible - their work complete, other than, to bring to those who journey with them, the experience of being close to someone who is dying - in Truth, reborn, into the greatness of Love, that awaits each and every Soul who leaves the plane of consciousness that is Earth at this time. Where someone around you is dying of cancer, or other dis-eases, it is a lesson plan that unfolds, that all connected to it, may discover within themselves, the Love, that even in such a circumstance, allows for all to unfold as it has been designed to do, by the ones doing the journey with them.
This may seem a harsh lesson, to adhere to the Love, when someone you Love dearly, who seems to be without fault, suffers greatly. Yet, in our perspective, there are no accidents: you do not leave this plane of consciousness, until you are good and ready to do so...you are the ones, who are the final arbiters of such decisions, other than, when one has repeatedly refused to move through a lesson plan that has been presented numerous times, and remains held in a never-ending spiral, without the potential of evolution to the next level without such intervention by the Higher Self.
For the most part, indeed, 99 percent of the time, you are the ones, who choose when to leave this plane of existence - no other, can make this choice for you. The Higher Self intervenes only when there is a potential for great upset to the overall journey of learning...such as an unwarranted ending of a life by another: you would find yourself whisked out of the way, before such a deed could be accomplished; unless, you have chosen, to facilitate the experiences of others, by allowing for yourself to leave the plane of Earth in such a fashion. For it is ever a gift, by those who leave in such a manner to those left behind, I do assure you.
Some do not choose to leave now, out of fear of what is before them: they do not wish to leave that which is known; to release from their existence, until the final possible moment, when the body has been completely worn out in the rigours of their journey. Others, in a situation of crisis, slip away seemingly in an instant, when others around them survive... have you not wondered why? It is because, dear ones, when the moment of choice is upon you, the Love is so present to you, that there is little in the way of decision to be made. You recognise the Love, for you have experienced it so often before; and the longing to return Home is intense. Others, who have been taught only to fear death's doorway, hold onto life with incredible tenacity - it is these ones, that you are here to help now, to release from their misconceptions of what is life, and what is death.
When you perceive someone who is holding on, yet, has chosen to leave on a conscious level, there is that in their lesson plan, which remains incomplete, that they truly do not wish, at the Soul level, to create the fullness of another journey to complete that remaining element left undone. So the Higher Self endeavours to bring it to them, in that which is encountered in their daily life, that they might recognise, the small step remaining to be completed. It is almost always, something that the one doing the journey, regards as insignificant, or it would already have been moved through... it is also that, which has within it, the final resolution of a long-held fear, that has seemingly covered itself in anger, guilt, or some other such emotion. Seek out that which is feared; seek out, that which is unresolved in your relationships with others, and make your Peace with them, with Love in your heart. Look closely at the fear that is evident to you, and beneath it, will be a smallest kernel of another fear, that you have not wished to focus on, prior to such a moment as this.
Now you may be wondering, as Tikele is, why we bring to you, all of this talk of releasing from the plane of Earth: it is because, dear ones, without exception, you will have someone in your journey, who moves through such understandings as these in the coming months, and we would ask of you, to allow yourselves the privilege, of being somewhat of a midwife, to their birth into the Light of Love: to show these ones, your understanding of the greatness of the Love that awaits them, and to assist them, in discovering that which holds them fast to the plane of Earth, in that which has been left undone by them.
In Completion, there is often the desire, to hold onto the journey of life, until such time as all those who are affected by their departure, are reconciled to the possibility of it occurring. When this is so, the dear one slips away, into our waiting arms: never, are they left to wander alone, even as they refuse at times, to recognise us. We do all that is possible, including enlisting those of you in the Human world who are of service in such instances, to show them how to release from the plane of Earth at such times. In most cases, we are successful; and you may find yourself called upon, as you continue to expand your Light now, to be of such service, where there is one who will recognise your blueprint, or energy signature, as the Loving Heart Light that You are, and be wiling to complete their journey, to take themselves into the next level of their lesson plan. Oftentimes, they will have felt lost for a time, not recognising, the need to simply open their Heart Light to the Love... that is the only step that is required of them, to allow the journey to unfold in Completion now.
Master Jesus will play a prominent role in these coming times, to hold strongly, a vibration of such Love, that the Shift unfolds in fullness now. It is present to all, no matter what race or religious affiliation held to: it is that, which surpasses understanding, in the Human world. For this great Light, was present in many times and places: it is for this time now, that it was apparent to you, in your journeys of that era. You, who walk in the form of Human now, have experienced it also, in other realms of thought focus, for it does not restrict or limit itself, to the plane of Earth.
Bring forth of your Love, to those who are suffering with severe illness, or the sudden departure of Loved ones... for many will depart in the coming months, to ready themselves for the next phase of their journey.
Do what you can, to raise awareness of the sanctity of Life: that precious gift, that allows for you to experience, each and every moment to the fullest possibility, no matter what form that may take – revel, in each and every moment of it. It will be upon you before you know it, for it is already here...not yet fully manifested in your physical experience, yet strongly present in all other planes of experiencing. We speak of the Great Shift in Consciousness: that, which turns the tide of Humanity’s love affair with destruction, and returns it into the knowing of itself, as a powerful force of conscious awareness, here to do the journey of Love for Creator: to choose, to share the Love, with all who would receive of it, without distinction or favour.
Let that be your guiding focus, for this month, until we shall speak again: we Love You, we Honour You; we treasure each moment of the journey with You, for we are able to experience it with you, as you choose, to open your Heart Light to the Love, that we might together allow for the miracle of Love, to show us all, the pathway into a new journey of Love, ever expanding and unfolding in its Infinite Grace and Beauty, that is the very essence of Creator’s Love Itself, manifested, in every heart, every point of awareness, on the plane of Earth. Impossible? Not a bit: YOU HAVE DONE IT, ALREADY!
I AM Sadiyaa: I am the focus of the Violet Council of Light. Present this day are Master Guide Kirael; Sananda, Master Jesus, Archangel Michael, the Magdalen, and many others.
We are Goddess Light: we are Christ Light: we are Creator’s Love, as are You. Go then, in Peace, Love, and Joyousness; for the day of Ascension is at hand, within You: let it ripple out, in Love, to all those with whom You walk the path of Life now.
And so it is.
15th March, 2007
Blessings, dear one, I AM Sadiyaa...
You are a Blessed Being of Light, who has chosen to journey at this time, in an ever unfolding, epic adventure, of Life in the Great Shift in Consciousness. Dear ones, you are deciding, each day, what your fate holds, in the old energy context: I ask you now, to bring to yourselves, the new energy keys of deliverance, into an entirely new way of Being.
That said, I ask of you, to BELIEVE... to believe, in a God Creator, that is magnificently, continuously, never-endingly, abundant in its Love of You... that is ever concerned about your welfare, as the precious Heart Light that You truly ARE. As it continues on the journey of Creation, the Creator is monitoring and observing, those parts of Self that are out of alignment with Love, and seeking, ever seeking, for pathways to return them into the greatness of Its Love.
You, who walk the path of Human, are a magnificent part of this process of realignment into Love - into a great Love, so vast, so endless, that you cannot begin to imagine it - only, to seek to experience it, even as you maintain yourselves in a Human form. For the veils of separation are thinning, yet you experience it not. Why is this? Because, dear ones, you are so accustomed to the vibration of separation, that the vibration of Love, passes right on by.
There is a great and grand desire within you, to experience, all that you might experience, at this time - that you might heal, into the greatness of the Love, of which I speak. In that process of healing, there is a gift, that is given: one of a great knowingness, of the many twists and turns taken by the journey that you are embarked upon at this moment.
For each of you, is aligning yourselves now, into the vibration of the inner, or Higher Self: your own Core Light essence, if you will. And as you allow for that Core Light, that Heart of your own Light, to speak into your awareness, choosing always to co-create the journey now, that it become so aligned in Love, that all else falls away - it does. The Core Light essence does so, by choosing to Be a part of your thought patterns; by choosing, always, to maintain a closer awareness of your deeds, your heart's vibrations, especially if they be aligned and tuned towards Love - be it Love of Self, or Love of another. So that you might awaken in fullness to the great Love of Creator, it seeks to bring forth within you, and to you, episodes within the journey, that allow for you to feel the presence of Love. This may be in the form of a phone call from another, unexpectedly; a cheque in the mail, which although anticipated, was uncertain in its timing of arrival, and so forth. These small events, are a method of allowing for you to recognise the great Love in which you are held, on a constant basis, by the Core Light essence, who seeks so continuously, to have you be aware of its great Love for you now.
If your life is in a form that has within it great uncertainty at this time - and which does not? Allow for yourself to know, that indeed, it is the time of the Great Shift in Consciousness: that this is no time to be afraid, of what catastrophe may fall upon you, but to be extremely busy, with your creating. For it is as you show the willingness, to create in some way, that which has the potential to move the journey into a new way of Being, that your Core Light celebrates, and seeks to amplify the journey, into even greater Love.
For this is a time to be about your adventures, bigger and bolder, than ever before. Let not the matrix, the over-mastermind, sway you into a conservative posture of fearfulness and caution, at this time now. For it is a grand awakening, that arises within you; and as you allow for it to come forth, in new ways of Being, seeking ever to discover, that which you might bring forth into the journey, it expands within you. All that is needed, dear ones, is to be willing, to take the steps before you: to allow for yourselves, to experiment, to try out new things, opportunities, possibilities, connections, and so forth - seeking to maintain yourself, in as positive a frame of energy as you can muster, and seeking ever, to listen to the Heart, for it is there, that your Core Light Essence resides, that you might experience it as your own Light now.
You will know, if the feeling of embarking on a new adventure unfolding before you, is of fearfulness, for it is a great desire to hide, to run away, that is evident to you. When it is simply an uncertainty, if this is the path before you, that will lead to new forms of experiencing, there can be a hesitancy, yet, there is the willingness to consider its possibilities. Choose to release the fear that may be present, in the form of the discounting voice within, that speaks of your separation from Creator, in the form of criticism and inadequacy. Listen not, to such a voice, for it is an illusion. Listen instead, to the feelings in your Heart Light: the part of you, that is aware on a much greater level of consciousness, of that which is of interest to you, to bring forth into the Earth plane now, at this momentous time.
To do this, you most often will discover the inner Light of Truth, that illuminates your path into Love, as you allow for yourself to BE, rather than become too enmeshed in the DOING. Ever it has been so: ever, it will be so, as the breath moves through the body process, it brings with it, an influx of understanding, of energy, that is of a positive nature. When you utilise the breath consciously, to carry with it, golden Light particles, shimmering and vibrating throughout your physical and other bodies, you receive, and give, the gift of Love to and from your Core Light. It is a mutual exchange of energy - one that is of such great benefit, that it is desired to be brought forth as often as possible, within and through you. It will show you the parts of the body, that remain out of Love: how to heal them; and how and why it is appropriate, or not, to take a particular course of action.
Why would bringing forth an awareness of golden Light particles take such a form? Because, dear ones, the Light of the God Creator that you are, is ever seeking now, to illuminate those parts of Self, that find themselves out of Love. When you would choose a path that takes you out of the Love that is available to you, the physical world shows you its aches, its pains, its suffering, on any level that you receive it, until such time, as you are willing to relinquish from it. It is ever at your choosing, dear ones: it truly is. The emotions, when allowed to become free, expressed in the moment, no longer hold you into patterns of sadness or suffering in some form. And as you have the courage to hand over your financial issues, your relationship, your other worries and concerns, to the part of you that is your own Core Light - maintaining an awareness, that as you do this, it IS already taken care of, in the most wonderful and appropriate Light - wait, and you will find, that life is already moving into a different form, even as it is not yet apparent to you in the physical world – Trust, your inner knowing, that it is so.
And you might say, "Aaah, but I do not have sufficient Trust for that - I find myself continually worrying about whatever it is"; and I would say, dear one, Be at Peace... for there is none who would harm you, or otherwise cause you difficulty, any longer. Where you discover yourself the receiver of that which you consider unpleasant, or out of alignment with Love, allow the inner Self, the Core Light Essence, to bring to it, the vibration of its Love... simply ask, "Core Light, or Higher Self, please bring to this circumstance, of your great Love for me, that I might discover my Truth, and seek out the path of Love at its highest and most beautiful, that I might truly experience the Love of Creator, present and alive within me."
Such a Prayer, would instantly align you into the Love that you seek, and the path would unfold before you, in such a magnitude of Love, as to leave you wondering, what happened, to the old energy ways of Being: for you would become aware, that the new energy had become part of you, of your journey - ever evolving, ever in motion, bringing greater and abundant Love.
Bring not into this Prayer of your doubts and fears: allow them to float away, prior to such a speaking as this. Do your Meditations, in the highest Light that you can, and you shall reap the rewards of each moment spent in such connectedness.
And as you choose, on a constant basis, to turn your thoughts towards Love as you discover in your path, that which is out of Love, the Love that you are - your Core Light, is so present, as to be able to guide you more closely still: to allow, for you to do the journey you have chosen, at a level that is conducive to bringing to you, all that you could desire to attain. It will be guiding you though your thoughts, your emotions - to pay attention to the feelings of the body, of your Heart Light, is one of the greatest of gifts to bring to Self at this time. The other, is to allow the stillness, the time in Meditation, combined with the practice of creating words in the form of a Prayer to your Heart Light, to the great Love of Creator, of Goddess, or whomever you might seek to receive assistance from, for all stand ready in the realms of Light, to be of service to the Human world now.
It is your time to Create: to play, with new forms of energy, new ways of Being, to bring forth into your awareness, that which is possible in your journey now. And while many may feel themselves tested to the limit by such a notion, a way of Being, consider this: have you journeyed, life after life, time after time, seeking ever to expand the Love within your own Light, only to turn back now, in the illusion of fear? Let not the fears take from you, the sweetness of the journey of Life, that awaits you now: for you have earned this place in the new Kingdom of Heaven. Let not, the doubt and confusion as to your path, sway you from the earnest desire, to seek out that which is possible, that brings forth even more Love, in your journey now. Share with others of your desires, that you may discover the potentials that are already present in the connections that you have available to you. Express your desires to your Core Essence, that it journey with you, in discovery of what is possible - for it will deny you nothing, that speaks of Love - of Love within you, of Love expressed towards others.
It is the time of the Shift, my dear friends: choose to journey with me now, into a realm that is beyond time, in the Etheric plane, in the form of a meditaton. Close the eyes to release the tensions of the journey you have experienced this day; and breathe in the beautiful golden Light particles, that you discover your body again, and discover your desire to be in Love, to the fullest magnitude possible, in the moment.
Breathing, those golden Light particles, breathe out a beautiful depth of a breath that allows for the particles to gather and to take form, suspended before you. Ask of these particles, to be messengers of your Heart Light, and send them forth, to the one you hold the most dear, with a blessing and a thanksgiving, for the presence of this one in your life's journey now. Do this as many times as you wish for those whom you Love: the Light that you generate, is a gift, to the you that you are, in the form of this other; for you, and those who would receive such a gift, are One, in the great Heart Light of Creator's presence of Love.
In the coming times, you may discover yourself creating such a gift of Love, for whomever you encounter, as it was, in the time of Lemuria. Be generous of your Light, for you diminish it not, with such expressions of your Heart's Love. Where there is Love, the journey of connectedness is expansive; where there is duty, the effort appears great. Allow yourself to choose, to Be, to bring forth Love, in Truth, to those whom you hold dear; relinquish, those whom you find a burden, that you might truly discover, the gifts of their presence, or absence, in this time of separation that you offer yourself in such a moment. For in that, you become aware of the Truth of the journey between you, and can choose, how you would be with this other, that is held before you as the mirror of your Being, now.
Each who plays a part in your adventuring, is present as a gift to you now: a mirror, that you might see your Love, your fears, brought to you. Those who persist in making life difficult for you, are but playing a part, to have you recognise, to choose, where your heart Light, truly finds itself in Love, in freedom, in Joyousness.
I AM Sadiyaa: I speak on behalf of the Violet Council of Light. Fully present this day, are the vibrations of Master Guide Kirael, Sananda, the Magdalen, and Archangel Michael. Others offer their presence also, to those who would seek of their counsel: the Archangels Gabriel, Metatron, Uriel, Raphael; the Goddess Lights of Madam Pele, Kwan Yin, Isis, the great mother Mary; St Germain, the Kryon, Tobias, Master Jesus, and the great Whale energy, that guides the Cetacean world now. These do not come forth in any particular order of importance, for we do not concern ourselves with such things. We sit in the round table, that has each speaking according to their desire to be heard; as too will you, before too much more time has passed, on your Earth plane. Others come and go, as the need for their counsel and wisdom arises: among their number, is the great Djwahl Kuhl, the vibration of Kai-Ann, and so forth. For you in the Human world, have available to you now, much, much, much, more, than is ever willingly recognised by you.
We come forth in our Love, to share with you, our presence, and to receive the gift of your presence, in return. It is sufficient: it is a great gift, a great blessing, indeed, when you in the world of Human, allow of yourselves, the time to experience a moment of connectedness such as this: that you might choose, to journey always, with Peace in your Heart, Love as your way of Being, and expressing the Joyousness, that arises within, as you discover the Passion of your Heart Light, and the greatness of the Love in which you are held, on a constant and eternal basis - transcending all possibilities.
I AM Sadiyaa: I Love You so: journey well, dear ones, until such time as we would meet again;
And so it is.
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Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
"Whatever you are giving your attention to activates the same vibration in you. It becomes your point of attraction; it becomes your point of allowing. It might be a good idea for you to decide what you want to make active within your vibration." Abraham-Hicks ~~ Energy flows where attention goes....
***THERE is NOTHING you cannot BE, DO Or HAVE
"Your task is not to seek love, but merely seek and find all the barriers within yourself you have built against it." – Rumi ~~~~ http://www.oneflynangel.com ~http://360.yahoo.com/oneflynangel - In the Name of ONE, Sandy ~
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