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Messages 06 : [SSN Ashtar and Quan Yin, Friday, December 01, 2006 - Christmas is the advent pe

SSN Ashtar and Quan Yin, Friday, December 01, 2006 - Christmas is the advent period - The veil is now at it’s thinnest yet and we anticipate that it will have fully dissolved by the end of the month.

From: Mark
To: markstearn@yahoo. ie
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 5:39 AM
Subject: Ashtar and Quan Yin.

Q and A with Ashtar. By Mark Stearn.
(1st December, 2006.)
A: Ashtar. M: Mark.
M: Brother Can you tell us a bit more about the predicted time for change that is scheduled for this Christmas?
A: Indeed my brother. Humanity has reached an evolutionary mile-stone. Free will is no longer under fire. The control systems have abated. What remains is the acquiescing of the mass mind consciousness to our affairs. You will be breathing the air of new earth by January coming. You no longer will be subject to the will of Earth’s population who have invested themselves in the Illuminati’s control affairs. It is the dawning of a new age of freely enlightened consciousness.
M: Can you tell us what is happening about the Illuminati?
A: They have been targeted in their associated vibrations and rounded up. Some will be returned to the fire while others are now engaged at other points of the evolutionary scale. There has been an enormous lift away from their control regime. Not before time as many of you will agree. The raise in consciousness that occurred yesterday in your Earth day and time was monumental in freeing yourselves up from the effects of their systems.
M: Can you tell us a bit more about the shift in the organisation of the Earth?
A: I am delighted you have addressed this subject brother, for many are wondering about the changeover in the structure and organisation of the Earth. First I wish to freely advocate that all of you are free sovereigns of the divine mission to explore through being a part of Earth. The new creation unfolds directly according to your new collective vision. There are many layers and happenings that make up the tapestry of the New Earth. Crystal Cities have been prepared for you all over the new sphere. Also some of you may choose to form smaller living situations living in harmony with nature and the celestial spheres. So there will be mass migration to New Earth’s Crystal Cities while there will be many other tone workers who choose an existence of a more secluded nature as you work with the tones and harmonics of the new creation. It is all based on the divine desire you are presented with on the point of your ascension. A lot of the make up of new earth is the creational sphere that you gravitate into as all of you possess such unique and diverse qualities. Many new expressions of consciousness are due to unfold. Many of you will explore your creational qualities in more depth while others will choose to return to the higher spheres of creation. It is all based on your divine contracts and the desires contained there in.
M: What will the changeover in consciousness be like?
A: You will feel our vast presence among you at a conscious level. All will be able to see our ships. We will have uncloaked. The veil is now at it’s thinnest yet and we anticipate that it will have fully dissolved by the end of the month. It is at this point that you will witness the creations of the New Earth freely for it is consciously among you. Once there are conscious visitations and interactions with us from the spirit level consciousness will expand to new levels and degrees of diversity and you will know that you are at that point gravitating to a new sphere of consciousness. As you approach this new sphere of consciousness all that is of the old world will simply fall away. An old vision will return to the sphere of its origin and so much so that it will barely be a distant memory as you all freely embrace your new contracts with infinite enthusiasm.
M: So it sounds like consciousness itself will created our desired shift.
A: It has always been so my brother. The freedom will be experienced by all and all that no longer serves your divine purpose will merge freely with the liberating fire of the New Earth.
M: This will be a welcome release brother for us all.
A: I wholeheartedly agree and embrace your vision my brother. For so many it is the releasing of an old stale limited mode of being and embracing the ethers and the celestial spheres at a conscious level. It will be the death of one experience and an advent of a new more expanded level of existence.
M: The love we are all experiencing as we collectively embrace this new vision.
A: You the way-showers are creating this shift dear ones. You are masters of creation and you are proving it. The love is the blend of unity with all of creation. Experiencing your birth-right.
A: The time you are moving into is written in the annals of creation as your glorious return to full fruition and your free expression of infinite avenues of consciousness. All is now moving in your favour, glorious advocates for a new experience steeped in the higher vibrations of consciousness. Along with Mother-Earth’ s ascension comes the liberation for countless systems also ascending into the One Light. You are freely traversing the new terrain. You are remaking time and the order of this creation. Your consciousness is now such that you are most aware of all of your dormant abilities. The time is approaching that we will be freely among you and teaching you how to use your abilities. Christmas is the advent period for the ascension of Earth. It has been prepared for this time for a long time now. Your predictions are accurate and your collective concurrence on our affairs is a clear testimony to your clarity and truth. I will be in touch soon again. Until then my esteemed graduates, Adonai!
Your friend in consciousness,
A message from Quan Yin.
By beloveds,
I am awed at your stunning discovery of your vastness. Your opening and advent into the realms of all that you are is creating the very avenues that lead you to full consciousness. You have conceived a rollercoaster of an adventure in the ethers and now you are coming to the fruition of that achievement. New Earth is among you and is becoming consciously instituted in your collective vision. Mother Earth has laboured long on your behalf. It is a time of disinfecting the old and accepting the new sway that freely remakes your experience. By January the last of the infection will have been returned to the primordial fire. It is to be a joyous time of new choices as to where you choose to next focus your conscious awareness. We your eternal friends will freely move among you at a conscious level acting as your advocates as you welcome in the vastness of the space fraternity. There are monumentous preparations in the higher stations of awareness looking forward to formally welcoming you home. Now it is a simple process of releasing all that is out of creational alignment with your collective vision and all will shift appropriately. Until we speak next,
I am your advocate in the light of the harmonious one,
Quan Yin.

Email: markstearn@yahoo. ie
Blog: http://adventurer.

'Praying without ceasing is the unchanging truth at the centre of all beingness... '

'Truth is love, it abounds in all things everywhere.'

'Life is meant to be lived in Eternal Joy, Infinite Freedom, Unconditional Love and Unbounded Awareness. Any other life is utterly missing the point of being born a human.'-MSI

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