viernes, 18 de mayo de 2007

Messages 06 : [SSN] Muhammad Yunus founded a bank that helps millions of the world's poor. How

[SSN] Muhammad Yunus founded a bank that helps millions of the world's poor. How do you think we could end world poverty?

Lend a hand
Muhammad Yunus founded a bank that helps millions of the world's poor. How do you think we could end world poverty?» Your answer
How microcredit works
World poverty news and web sites

Prof. Muhammad Yunus & Grameen Bank Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006, divided into two equal parts, to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank for their efforts to create economic and social development from below. Lasting peace can not be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty. Micro-credit is one such means. Development from below also serves to advance democracy and human rights...more

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