jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

Messages 07 : Lightworker Update for May 15

Hello Dear Lightworkers and Lights of the World:

Today is a 9/11 reversal day! 5+1+5=11. 2+0+0+7=9. 11/9. An interesting confirmation that we are growing close to seeing the Truth regarding 9/11 on our TV screens! Below is the best 9/11 Truth video I have seen to date. It is long but well worth watching.

The best 9/11 Truth Video

Once mass consciousness finally understands that 9/11 was a false flag event to justify the many horrors that have followed, the dark regime will be out and the Golden Age will begin!

Meanwhile, dear Lightworkers, it is our joyful opportunity to continue our meditations many times daily, infusing the subconscious matrix of humanity and the Earth with Pure Unconditional Love. Love is filtering more and more into the conscious minds of those open to receive and the more frequently we do our meditations the sooner the Golden Age will be our reality.

Never doubt that we are playing a major role in uplifting all Life on Earth, dear Lightworkers! My Higher Self confirms that the Love in the mass subconscious matrix and throughout the Earth, Gaia's body, is increasing daily!

Meditation to Uplift Mass Consciousness and Gaia

Visualize your Higher Self above you as a Golden Sphere of Light, allow that Golden Light of Pure Unconditional Love to flow through you to the mass subconsciousness matrix at center of the Earth.

Feel yourself turning Golden and allow yourself to travel down that Beam of Golden Light to merge with the mass consciousness couple. You are, in fact, merging with a matrix which connects to the subconscious mind of every person on Earth! Repeat the Supreme Mantra: We are All One. I Love You!

While merged with that matrix, radiate the Golden Light of Pure Unconditional Love out in all directions, north, south, east, west, above, below, and see the Golden Light shimmering throughout the Earth.

Remember, dear Lightworkers, the matrix at the center of the Earth is a direct link to the subconscious mind of each and every human being on Earth! You are directly influencing the Love Quotient of humanity worldwide!

Meditation for a Safe Tropical Atlantic

Whenever a Tropical Disturbance arises in the Atlantic, it is our opportunity to sweep it with a Giant Green Broom into a clockwise spinning Green Vortex which we visualize in the mid Atlantic, where it is transformed from a potentially harmful storm to a beneficial healing energy which the Weather Angels radiate throughout the Earth for the benefit of all life.

After the disturbance enters the Green Vortex, see the entire Earth filled with healing Light shimmering Golden all over the Earth. The potential disturbance of the storm has been transformed into Pure Unconditional Love bringing forth the Golden Age!

Be sure to invoke the assistance of our Angelic Friends when sweeping, dear Lightworkers. They are eager to help us.

Pure Unconditional Love Heals All!

I would encourage every member of our Lightworker Group to get at least 1 All One Bumper Sticker. They are only $5 for 1 or $20 for 5 and your purchase will help keep the Heavenly Light Emporium shining bright on the internet. Why not turn your car into a lighthouse broadcasting the Truth?

Let's make the month of May an amazing month in which we reach a critical mass of humanity expressing Pure Unconditional Love and bring in the Golden Age!

Shine your Light, dear Lightworkers of the world, for all to see and to be.

We are All One. I Love You!

Blessings of Light and Love to All,

Wisdom Paradise
Higher Self Guide: http://www.heavenly-light.us/uniyouhigself.htm
Teacher of Universal Law: http://www.heavenly-light.us/universallaw.htm

P.S. Get an overview of our Lightworker Project and order your All One bumper stickers.
Ascended Earth Project: http://www.heavenly-light.us/lightworkers.htm

The Heavenly Light Emporium
Offering Spiritual & Financial Well Being
Become a Blessing to all life!

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