jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

Lauren Gorgo: "A must see..."

Lauren Gorgo: "A must see..."

Our new children, our saviors.


(if link doesn't work, try this: http://thinkwithyourheart.blogspot.com/ )

In gratitude,


Simple Things You Can Do Everyday To Make The World A Better Place

1. If you are planning to idle your car for more than 30 seconds (ie.drive thru) ... Turn It Off: http://enginesoff.blogspot.com/

2. Consolidate your errands and carpool when possible- don't drive unnecessarily: http://www.erideshare.com/

3. Unplug cell phone from charger after charging is complete

4. Wash your clothes only when you need to & in cold water

5. Buy organic, fair trade & sustainable harvest products (in concentrated strengths when applicable) http://www.43things.com/things/view/2199

6. Set your water heater just a little bit lower: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/consumer/tips/water_heating.html

7. Use no VOC paint, and eco-friendly home cleaning & repair products: http://www.eartheasy.com/live_nontoxic_paints.htm

8. Encourage children to be kind, compassionate and thoughtful toward the environment & animals

9. Encourage friends & family to empower themselves and our planet by making small changes in their lives

10. Sponsor town clean-up days through your local communities (school/church/etc.)

11. Bring your own bag when shopping (saves plastic bags.) Visit http://www.ecobags.com./

12. Turn the shower/faucet off while shaving/brushing teeth

13. Consider buying an energy efficient washer/dryer & dishwasher, don't run faucets unnecessarily

14. Replace your lights with energy efficient bulbs (they last 8-10 years)

15. Don't put food scraps in garbage, create a compost to save space in the landfills

16. Use cloth napkins instead of paper. Use rags instead of paper towels.

17. Crumble unwanted catalogs and junkmail for shipping instead of buying styrofoam packing materials

18. Return unused take-out condiments (your local businesses will be grateful) or refuse them when possible

19. Pay your bills online, save the paper. Stop your junk mail here: http://www.greendimes.com/

20. Recycle everything you can locally here: http://www.earth911.org/static.html

Be the example. Others will follow.

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